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At Braiswick, environmental sustainability is paramount. Recognising the urgency to reduce our impact, we're dedicated to achieving net zero carbon emissions within five years by drastically cutting our use of cardboard mounts, and fuel economy with Hybrid cars

Cardboard mounts, thoughseemingly innocuous,contribute significantly toenvironmental harm,emitting greenhouse gases,contributing todeforestation, and complicating wastemanagement. Each tonne ofcardboard produced emitsroughly 1.5 to 2.0 tonnes ofCO2e. Annually, we aim to reduce emissions byapproximately 16.5 - 22 tonnes.

Additionally, we're integratinghybrid cars into our fleet toenhance fuel efficiency andreducing emissions. Thisshift aligns with our commitmentto sustainable transportation practices,promising a tangible decreasein our carbon footprint.In conclusion, our efforts toreduce cardboard usage and adopthybrid cars mark a crucial step in oursustainability journey.

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Cardboard mounts, though seemingly innocuous, contribute significantly to environmental harm, emitting greenhouse gases, contributing to deforestation, and complicating waste management. Each tonne of cardboard produced emits roughly 1.5 to 2.0 tonnes of CO2e. Annually, we aim to reduce emissions by approximately [insert estimated reduction].

By prioritizing environmental responsibility and embracing innovation, we're driving towards a carbon-neutral future while delivering exceptional products and services to all our customers, old and new.

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VAT No: 102 2675 12. Registered No: 858354. Place of Registration ENGLAND. Est. 1965.

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